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Таранова Марина Борисовна

Nowadays Russian teachers have to be familiar with modern computer technologies.  This necessity causes lots of misunderstanding. Some teachers build their personal sites with great pleasure, others find this activity difficult and boring. Let's consider advantages and disadvantages of personal sites.

Firstly, pesonal sites are necessary for personnel appraisal. If a teacher has built a site, he or she will get certain points, which will allow him or her to get a higer salary. Mastering computer technologies is regarded to be a sign of an experienced teacher. Secondly, personal sites are used for convenient cooperating with other teachers. It is a great opportunity to exchange experience, get new ideas, encourage and help younger teachers. What is more, personal sites might be used for remote teaching. This achievement is very useful for those students who do not have the possibility to attend classes, for example, for disabled students. Finally, personal sites are used for communicating and making friends. It is very important in our life to have somebody to share your ideas and thoughts with.

However, there are certain number of teachers who do not support the idea of personal sites. As a rule, these are people of elderly ages, who are not familiar with computers. They are able to teach without modern technologies and consider personal sites as something unimportant and time-consuming. What is more, building pesonal sites needs special equipment, for examle, a computer with the access to the Internet. Certain number of teachers can not afford it at all. At the same time, they understand that young generation can not imagine their life without computer technoloigies. Thus, using personal sites could motivate students for studying.

To sum up, I think that personal sites are characteristic feature of modern life and it doesn not matter if a person is for or agaings them. It must be taken for granted.

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