Should I create my personal site ? I'm not sure that I'd like it but in's necessary. Of course, I am fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from me. Sometimes I can use it for doing everyday routine tasks. And I really need it for my professional skills. But I don't think I'd be very good at it. No doubt personal site has the potential to carry my views and words all over the world, but I don't want to lock myself in my room and spend a lot of time in front of my computer. My work in the internet makes me more impatient, so I expect an instant reply. Sometimes I get nervous because of it. Another words , this theme has positive and negative aspects. Besides , what about my health? I always look tired and have a pale face when I spend more than two hours in front of my computer. And I ask myself: "Do I really need it?" And I answer : " I have to..."