As we have seen in one of the previous posts, multi-sensory approach allows a teacher to introduce the new vocabulary in a meaningful way without resorting to the native language. Now I am going to speak about the tasks that are used for activating the vocabulary in the multi-sensory way.
I give my children picture cards or word cards, and give commands, such as Raise the bear! Bring me the star! Put the plane on your head!. This way my kids revise the vocabulary and move at the same time.
I have a bag, where I put little toys of, e.g. animals. Children their hands, grope for the toys, name the animal they are holding, and take it out to check.
With their eyes closed, kids try different fruit and name them.
I show my students a wordcard, they mime it (I ask the group not to say it aloud). If they mime it successfully, it means they understand the written word. If not – they look at their peers and remember.
Mushroom picking – I hide some picture or word cards around the room. The students are in teams, and they start looking for them. When they find a card, they name it or read it out. The team with the greater number of cards wins.
Matching: students come to the blackboard one by one and match pictures to words or words to pictures.
And, the best vocabulary game ever: Bingo! I use it very often. Students go through the vocabulary that needs to be revised, then they write out any 6 items from the list. Then I name the vocabulary items randomly. When the students hear a word they have written out, they cross it out. The one to be the first to cross all of them out is the winner!