Intermediate. Ten. ah hope yer still lovin' mah blog, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! Wordnik is a website for the word nerds. You can join the community, just browse, or sign up for an email “Word of the Day.” However you play with the site, you’re bound to find a great resource for writing, education, and mind-honing in general.
Aaron Peckham, founder of Urban Dictionary, sees new words emerge every day. The standards for Urban Dictionary definitions, which users submit themselves, aren’t very high. But Peckham prefers it that way. “I think reading people’s definitions makes them more entertaining and sometimes more accurate and honest than a heavily researched dictionary definition.” And they show that language is constantly evolving, sometimes minute by minute. Sometimes nsfw.
WordWeb is a free dictionary for your MS Windows computer. It sits in your system tray and works with your MS Word and other applications.
Here comes the Swiss knife of dictionaries, OneLook. Try their wildcards and reverse search. It’s like a dictionary on steroids!
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