Ten fresh ideas for teaching vocabulary using your textbook
Have you ever created your own activity using vocabulary from your textbook? What sort of activity might you do that you would really engage your students? Adir Ferrierira a teacher trainer and writer suggests ten fresh ideas of such creative activity.
I like all these ideas: The world of “Give”, Collective picture, Are you related?, Actioning Collocations, Dictionary, Back to the board, Every Breath you Take, Students-Written Dialogues, Let’s Save our Planet.
I would like to design my activity with the first one. It is recommended for the upper-intermediate students.
The world of “Imagine”
1.Students shout out phrases with the word “imagine”.
Imagine smth
To be imagined
Imagine doing smth
Imagine smthsmb doing smth
Imagine smb to be
Imagine that
Just imagine!
2.Students work in pairs, they write a dictation, student A writes in English, student B writes in MT(mother tongue).
We can’t imagine our life without electricity.
The picture can be easily imagined.
Imagine saying so.
Imagine him becoming famous as an actor.
Imagine it lost.
Imagine that you are in ancient Rome.
Just imagine!
3.Change pairs. Dictate s-s.
Imagine all sorts of things.
The event was vividly imagined.
Imagine meeting here.
Imagine Jason’ marrying at his age.
Imagine him to be on the desert island.
Imagine her rich.
Imagine that dogs can talk.
4.Group work. Students compare their translations.
5.The teacher puts his translations on the board for checking.
6.Follow-up. Students write s-s of their own.
So,work hard!