Examinations are coming. A very nervous and anxious period for our students.There are many different techniques to deal with exam anxiety and here are some of them.You may suggest them to your students.May be they'll help your students to get a success at the exams.
1.Downplay the exam.Instead of thinking of the day of the exam as the worst of your life and your own personal Waterloo, think about it as just one more hurdle to overcome.Be careful when you talk about it and don't let you friends, parents or teachers push your panic button.
2. Don't dismiss your fears.If you are trying to downplay the exam's importance, don't go to the opposite extreme by saying that the exam doesn't mean a thing.Recognise that exams do matter, some more than others. But no exam will ever be the sole measure of your qualification. And an exam has nothing to do with your worth as a human being.
3.Build familiarity.Study your notes in detail and be prepared.This will help you to feel more confident. It's also helpful to work on practice tests/ exams and memorise all the instructions.
4.Learn and use relaxation techniques.
a) Visualise or imagine yourself doing well- filling in the gaps in the text or writing an essay with confidence. Imagine your teacher handing back your exam with an excellent mark on top of it.Visualising success puts you in control.
b)Breathing techniques can help, especially during an exam.If you feel yourself losing confidence, take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself.If you have some time before the test, try to get in some exercise.
5. Be optimistic!Studies have clearly shown that people who approach tense situations with an optimistic attitude do better than those who think they will fail. Imagine yourself achieving success rather than failing.
Four days before the exam. Reread your notes and review the textbook.
Three days before the exam. Skim your notes and the textbook.Recite important points aloud.
Two days before the exam.Without looking at your notes or the textbook, recite the key points.Look back at your notes and the text to check your success.
The day before the exam. Take a sample exam and answer the questions or have someone quiz you.Skim your notes to find the most important and /or difficult points.
The day of exam.If the exam is in the morning you may not be able to study.But if you do have a few minutes, skim your notes once last time.Be sure to take a deep breath and relax before the exam.
Good luck!