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In this post I am going to describe activities and resources used for teaching the Food vocabulary in a primary classroom.


Food flashcards are abundant on the net. To introduce and practice them I use activities I described in the previous posts, such as matching, pointing, odd one out.


One more practicing activity is called “smiley or sad”. I draw a smiley face on the board (which corresponds to yes), and a sad face (no). I show a flashcard or wordcard and ask “Do you like…?”, and the kids point to the smiley or the sad. I like it that everybody is involved and there is an element of movement.


Food topic also allows for categorizing and sorting activities. For example, students have a pack of wordcards and categorize them into fruit and vegetables; food for breakfast, dinner, lunch; healthy food and junk food.


We can’t do without songs when teaching primary students. I use this one for teaching the Food topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaqISEs_uj0 .


The wonderful story about the hungry caterpillar can’t be ignored. It can be watched on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48kywlA0gqw&feature=related ; or downloaded as a Power Point: http://www.slideshare.net/silviagrasa/cfakepaththe-very-hungry-caterpillar . Colouring pages for the tale are also available: http://www.eric-carle.com/ColoringSheet.jpg . Some tips on using the story: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/tips/flashcards .

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