
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

Расскажите о своей профессиональной деятельности.
Гуляева Елизавета Витальевна

Constant use of a new word is the best way of learning it!

For this purpose it is necessary to organize pupils' activity to work on words from many different sides, in different ways, by means of many forms of work.

1 Exercises in finding necessary words among suggested

For example: Pick out the words

a) which denote school objects: a pen, a pencil, a cup, a car, a bed, a desk;

b) which denote size: red, good, big, small, great, green;

- Choose the right word:

The horse is a (wild/ domestic) animal.

They (ate, drank) some water.

The (sheep, fly) is an insect.

- Arrange  the words in pairs of the same root: usual, danger, development, usually, dangerous, develop.

2  Exercises in finding necessary words among those in pupils' memory. For example,

-Name the object the teacher shows

-Give it a name: a) we use it when it rains b)it makes our tea sweet

- Fill in the gaps: They saw a little___in the forest.

The hut was____.

-Say those words a) which you need to speak about winter, summer

b) refer to sports and games;

- Name the words with a similar meaning to : city, go, answer, tell, tall.

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