
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

Юдина Татьяна Дмитриевна

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 About me & my teaching methods
My students & their success
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English songs
Your ???, my answers

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Юдина Татьяна Дмитриевна

  There are hundreds of reasons a person may blog, whether they be personal, business or pleasure, you’ll find a different reason from whoever you ask.  The main question you want to ask yourself is, are you blogging for the right reasons?

 As you know blogging can be - good for sharing information on specific topics;

-          giving your professional opinion about something; 

-           can simply be a diary for you or a way to express yourself and how you feel that day or about a particular situation;

-           can also be a personal reference to something that maybe you need to save for a future time.

 There are pros and cons to having your own website that depend upon where you are in your career and what message about yourself you’d like to share.

    First about pros.  A website can help leave a positive first impression if it’s designed well and your content is professional.  Once you have a website, you’ll need to maintain the technology and occasionally update it with news about your career or your new ideas in teaching English. You tend just not only to share a lot of knowledge with your like-minded persons but also to find the best ways of doing positive changes in our education. But still even  in this case be ready for the fact that  some readers will  react positively to your ides; some won’t. While you can’t control what your readers think of your site, an “official” web presence can be a really positive thing for your readers and your “teacher’s brand” because your news is coming from another authoritative place. I mean the Internet.

When a person blogs a lot and is fairly decent at it, it can lead to fame in the virtual world, with readers from all over the country and world going online and visiting your blog site.  The problem with this is when you start becoming popular you don’t want to lose your status. Blogging allows the person to become more creative and improves your typing speed, accuracy and internet knowledge. It means that you’ll try to improve yourself more & more. What can be better for a teacher than that?

    By writing you may improve the view point from an outside person on how they see your  school, teaching methods & your knowledge of English.. 

    You can’t agree with me but I see only one disadvantage here. Blogs aren’t always accurate.

Don’t believe everything someone says. Don’t be a sheep, no matter how popular or famous someone is, do some of your own research.

  If used correctly and with the right intents blogs can be a very powerful  tool  for us and  the Russian education in general

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