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Терехова Лариса Николаевна

My site

useful and informative

suprised and creative

helpful for education

gives a lot of information

Большое спасибо организаторам мастер-класса по сайтостроению за предоставленную возможность создать свой сайт и многому научиться.


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Терехова Лариса Николаевна

Работать над наполнением сайта интересно. Не совсем разобралась с фотоальбомом. Возникли трудности при вставке логотипов сайтов. У меня очень много разных презентаций, жаль, что нельзя их вставить.

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Терехова Лариса Николаевна

Название сайта Enjoy English.

Предполагаемые страницы:



Рабочие программы

Мои уроки

Внеклассная работа

Учебно-исследовательская работа

Полезные ссылки

Я думаю. что в процессе работы можно будет что-то добавить или изменить.


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Терехова Лариса Николаевна

Personal site: for and against


From my every day experience and observation I can state several factors, which defend the statement that with the help of technology, teachers and students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. I say about personal site. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, creating my own site will enable me to post important information and extra materials online. Personal site can be important tool for sharing useful information and tips among colleagues, dispersing information to students, or keeping in contact with parents. I understand that a teacher's site has to be informative but also entertaining. I think a teacher's personal site can be a perfect example of education and entertainment. But a teacher's site must not be too entertaining because its main goal is still to educate.

To my mind creating a personal site is not very difficult. The most difficult part of it is to maintain your site and spend enough time on it to make it interesting and informative. It means you will have to surf the Internet to choose proper illustrations, consult an online dictionary to find the definition of a word, etc. It takes time and effort.

To summarize, I think a teacher's site makes language studies more efficient and it helps you "inspire, motivate, change the world".


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