
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

Софронова Людмила Владимировна


С 1 сентября 2011г. все школы России перешли на новые стандарты образования в начальной школе, которые в отличие от предыдущих нормативных документов, определяющих минимум образования, значительно изменяют подход и требования к обучающимся.

Огромное значение в стандартах отводится воспитанию и досуговой деятельности школьников. Эти стандарты предусматривают включение внеурочной  деятельности в образовательный  процесс. К внеурочной деятельности относятся экскурсии, кружки, секции, "круглые столы", конференции, олимпиады, школьные научные сообщества, конкурсы, соревнования, поисковые и научные исследования.

Занятия в кружке по раннему обучению иностранному языку создают прекрасные возможности для того, чтобы вызвать интерес к языковому и культурному многообразию мира, уважение к языкам и культуре других народов , способствуют развитию коммуникативной компетенциии.

Программы  кружков  английского и китайского языков  « Я могу говорить и петь по-английски» и «Китайский для детей»  в МОУ СОШ № 30 рассчитаны на 1 учебный год для обучающихся  первых классов, являясь своего рода пропедевтическим курсом. Они рассчитаны на 60 учебных занятий при продолжительности 30 минут 2 раза  в неделю с включением обязательных подвижных игр.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Софронова Людмила Владимировна

Вследствие географического положения региона и отдалённости его от центра России, отсутствия возможности у большинства населения отправить детей на стажировку в англоязычные страны, у многих обучающихся низкая мотивация к изучению предмета «Иностранный язык». Внеклассная работа по предмету, с целью заинтересовать учащихся изучением английского языка, является одним из приоритетных направлений работы МО учителей английского языка МОУ СОШ № 30. Данный вид деятельности включает в себя проведение «Недели английского языка», научно-практических конференций, творческих отчётов, праздников стран изучаемого языка, интеллектуальных марафонов.

В МО учителей английского языка вместо Недели  проводится Месячник английского языка, так как наши школьные мероприятия совпадают с муниципальными и Всероссийскими конкурсами и олимпиадами. Предлагаем вашему вниманию план проведения Месячника английского языка (14.11-17.12.11г.), который был разработан учителями МО английского языка совместно с обучающимися и утверждён на Совете Мэров.

План месячника английского языка



1.Открытие месячника.

Интеллектуальный марафон ( 2-11 кл.).

14 ноября


2.Конкурс рисунков «Thanksgiving Day» (2-5 кл.).

23 ноября

3. Городская олимпиада (7-11 классы)

24 ноября

4. Конкурс презентаций «Новогодние традиции стран изучаемого языка» (3-6 кл.).


28 ноября

5.Школьная конференция «Планета знаний» (3-8 кл.).

14 декабря

6.Международный конкурс «British Bulldog» (3 - 11кл.)

15 декабря

7.Конкурс видеофильмов, посвященных Месячнику английского языка (10 кл.)

3 неделя декабря

8.Закрытие Месячника английского языка.

17 декабря

Теги: Нет тегов 
Софронова Людмила Владимировна

Содержание работы



Выявление учащихся 3-11 классов, ориентированных на исследовательскую деятельность (анкетирование).



Знакомство обучающихся с основными этапами работы над исследовательскими проектами, правилами оформления и критериями оценивания выполненных работ.



Работа с обучающимися по подбору тем для  исследовательской деятельности.

Сентябрь - октябрь


Проведение группового и адресного консультирования с обучающимися по исследуемым темам.

В течение года


Участие обучающихся в школьной научно-исследовательской конференции "Планета знаний"     (3 –8 классы).



Участие победителей школьной конференции в городской научно-исследовательской конференции      " Планета знаний "   (5 – 8 классы).



Участие обучающихся в школьной научно– исследовательской конференции «Первые шаги в науку» (9 –11 классы).



Участие победителей и призёров городской конференции в краевой научно-исследовательской конференции " Планета знаний "   (5 – 8 классы)



Участие школьников в  научно-исследовательской конференции "Первые шаги в науку" (9-11 классы), проводимой Забайкальской Малой Академией Наук.



Анализ научно-исследовательской деятельности с обучающимися.


Теги: Нет тегов 
Софронова Людмила Владимировна


Современное общество нуждается в высокообразованных компетентных людях, готовых к творчеству, самоопределению и самореализации в нашем быстро меняющемся мире. Поэтому для молодых людей особенно важно получение качественного образования. Один из путей достижения данной цели – научно-исследовательская деятельность в школе, так как она даёт возможность более глубокого изучения предмета, самообразования, самовыражения и самосовершенствования. В результате индивидуальной трудовой деятельности  обучающиеся достигают совершенно другого качественного состояния: они умеют самостоятельно вести научный поиск, обрабатывать добываемые сведения и осуществлять презентацию проекта своей индивидуальной деятельности.

Научное общество учащихся МОУ СОШ № 30  было создано в  2002 году. Руководит данным обществом Маниковская О.В., учитель русского языка и литературы, кандидат педагогических наук.  На протяжении  почти 10 лет  учителями ведётся плановая работа  по развитию одарённости школьников через научно – исследовательскую деятельность. Обучающиеся занимаются в секциях английского языка, русского языка и литературы, географии и биологии, математики и информатики,  истории и  МХК, ОБЖ и физкультуры, психологии и педагогики. Результатом данной работы является участие в школьной конференции.

Цель конференции: создание условий для развития интеллектуальной компетенции обучающихся.

Задачи конференции:

- Выявление учащихся, способных к исследовательской деятельности;

- Формирование творческой исследовательской компетенции школьников всех возрастов;

- Повышение уровня коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся;

- Приобщение школьников к миру науки.

Начиная с младших классов (3-4), учителя иностранного языка руководят научной деятельностью учащихся, готовят их к участию в ежегодных школьных научно-практических конференциях «Планета знаний» (3-8 классы)  и «Шаг в науку» (9-11 классы). Начиная с 5 класса  обучающиеся принимают участие в муниципальных и краевых конференциях. Ежегодно наши ребята становятся победителями и призёрами конференций различного уровня.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Софронова Людмила Владимировна









Municipal Scientific Practical Conference
“А Step to Science”

(Group “Junior”)

Municipal Comprehensive Institution
“Secondary Comprehensive School № 30”



The Siberian People in the Great Patriotic War

Linguistics Direction

(English Section)


Fyodorova Ekaterina Evgen’evna

Grade 6A

Scientific Adviser:

Sofronova Lyudmila Vladimirovna,

English Teacher



Chita, 2010

A Brief Annotation.

This search work is devoted to the Great Patriotic War. The role of the Siberian people, who made contribution to the Great Victory,   is considered in it. This search work will be useful to the English teachers. It will help them to prepare for the lessons, because there are no texts about the Great Patriotic War in modern students’ books. It will attract attention of those young people, who are interested in the history of their native land.


The Plan

Ι Introduction _______________________________________________________________p.4

Presentation of my search work.

I Ι Main body ____________________________________________________________p.5 - 9

1. Main facts about the Great Patriotic War.

2. The Siberian people in the Great Patriotic War.

3. My great- grandfather’s biography.

Ι Ι Ι Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ p.10

May 9 is the most momentous day for the people of Russia.

ΙV Vocabulary __________________________________________________________________________p.11

V. Supplementary _______________________________________________________p.12 - 17


2The results of testing.


4The results of questionnaire.

VI The list of literature ______________________________________________________p.18





I. Introduction.

Presentation of My Search Work

I would like to present the theme of my search work. It is called “The Siberian people in the Great Patriotic War”.

On May 9, 2010 we shall celebrate the 65 anniversary of the Great Victory of Soviet people over the fascist Germany. Unfortunately, there are no texts about the Great Patriotic War in modern Students’ books. I would like to help our English teachers and teenagers to find the materials about   the Siberian people, who made their contribution to Victory, and to translate them from Russian into English. I am sure it will be easy for them   to prepare for English classes.  I consider, we must know about this war because it is one of the tragic and heroic pages in the history of our Motherland.  Millions of Soviet people gave their lives for their Fatherland. The Siberian people defended their country and took part in liberating of peoples of other countries, many of them were not at the war, but they worked heroically on the home front. My great-grandfather was at that war and made his contribution to victory. As far as I know, the people of our region called themselves “ The Siberians ”, that’s why, I named my search work “The Siberian people in the Great Patriotic War”.

The aims of my search work are to prove that this theme is urgent for our young generation, to improve my language and to prepare a pack of materials for English lessons.

What I did:

1)      My teacher and I prepared the test and the questionnaire and examined 100 students of 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th forms to find out what they know about that war and if this theme is urgent for our young generation.

2)      I put the results together in a table, then I presented these ones in the form of a graph.

3)      I studied English and Russian materials, such as books and Internet information, atlases and so on.

4)      I systematized all these facts and materials.

5)      I looked for pictures and photos to illustrate my work.


II. Main Body.

1. Main Facts About the Great Patriotic War.

At 4a.m. on June 22, 1941, 190 divisions of fascist Germany and her satellites treacherously invaded the USSR without a declaration of war. The invasion force consisted of 5.5 million officers and men, about 4.300 tanks, 4.950 combat aircrafts, and 47.260 guns and mortars.

During the very first hours of the attack over 1,000 German bombers started bombing Soviet cities and towns.

The sudden attack of the Nazis and the savage bombing of peaceful towns were intended to break the Soviet people’s will to resist. But there’s nothing what they can do.

In response to the appeal of the Soviet Government all Soviet people rose to defend their country. They understood that it was a question of life or death, that it was a question of whether the Soviet people would remain free or become slaves of the German Nazis. The size of the Red Army was growing with every passing day.

At the factories the places of those who had gone to the front were taken by women, adolescents and old people. “Everything is for the front, everything is for the victory!” ‒this appeal of the Communist Party became the motto of all Soviet people.

The actions of Soviet partisans, troops and underground groups inflicted heavy damage to enemy.

On December 6, 1941, the Soviet troops gained a victory at Moscow.

On January 10, 1943, the Soviet people gained a brilliant victory at Stalingrad (now Volgograd).

In the summer of 1943 the Soviet troops freed some 38.000 populated centers, including 162 towns.

In January 1944 Leningrad was relieved.

In 1944 Estonia, Lithuania and a large part of the Latvia were freed.

In the summer of 1944 the allied troops of the USA and Britain landed in   north of France. The US, British and French troops began to move towards Germany from the west.

On May 2, 1945 Berlin capitulated. A week later, on May 8, the German Command signed an unconditional surrender.

9 May is celebrated in our country as Victory day. It was a history day for which hundreds of millions of people all over the world had waited [1].



2. The Siberian People in the Great Patriotic War.

Now I would like to tell you about the Siberian people who played a great role in the struggle of Soviet people against the invaders. When the Great Patriotic War began the Siberian people were very strong and courageous, ready to defend their motherland and give their lives for their happiness and freedom.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War the Siberian people had come to the Military Committee to demand to be send to the front.

The Siberians struggled very courageously and selflessly at the front. They gave their lives in the battles against fascists near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad and others. Glory to all of them who died at the fronts!

Soldiers of the 16th Army, formed in Zabaikalye, stopped the attacks of German – fascist troops which wanted to defeat the Soviet Army near Moscow in December 1942 and capture the heart of our Motherland.

In the battles near Moscow the ninety-third Eastern – Siberian Shooting division from Zabaikalye got honorable name “Gvardeiskaya.”

The 43rd regiment from Dauria was the first to come over the Dnepr.

The Junior Lieutenant Strelkov, who headed the group of 33 soldiers near Stalingrad, glorified himself for the attack against 70 tanks during two days and nights [2].

The 106th Zabaikalye Shooting division, included Nerchinsky, Daursky, Argunsky regiments, was glorified in the battles for the Dnepr.

The working people of Zabaikalye helped the front with great enthusiasm.

They gave 367 million roubles to the Defence Fund.

Besides that the people from Zabaikalye signed the war loan over 533 million roubles. They sent a lot of parcels with food, warm clothes, 23 thousand horses, more than 2, 5 million poods of meat, 5 million and 200 thousand poods of milk and brynza to the front [3].

During the Great Patriotic War soldiers from Zabaikalye showed real heroism in the fight against fascist invaders. 77 thousand people of our region were killed during the Great Patriotic War.

The Chita Regional Komsomol organization sent more than 52 thousand Komsomol members to the front. The young people heroically fought against fascists and died for their Fatherland. Many Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Government.

Twenty three Komsomol members got the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Totally 100 Transbaikal people became the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

As far as I know, many Soviet writers wrote about the heroic deeds of Transbaikal people during the Great Patriotic War.

Sergey Zarubin, one of the famous Transbaikal writers, devoted his books to the fellow-villages who courageously fought with fascists at the front. His most well-known novels are “The exploit of a secret service man” and “The pipe of a sniper”. They are about our fellow-villages Matyzhonok Sergey Ivanovich and Nomokonov Semyon Danilovich.

I found the material about these great men in the encyclopedia “Transbaikal people are the heroes of our Fatherland”, which was published in Chita in 2005.

Matyzhonok Sergey Ivanovich was born in Karymskaya village on October 19, 1923.

When the Great Patriotic War began he was 18. After finishing a reconnaissance school he was sent to the front at the beginning of 1942.Matyzhonok went to reconnaissance more than 76 times. He took 25 prisoners, a famous general Shtimmer was among them.

Matyzhonok Sergey Ivanovich was demobilized after injury in September1945.

He took part in the parade on Red Square in June 1945.

Matyzhonok worked in a railway house in his native village after the Great Patriotic War.

Matyzhonok Sergey Ivanovich was decorated with three Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of Glory, the Order of the Patriotic War, the Order of the October Revolution and medals. In 1961 he was put on the lists of the honorary soldiers of ZABVO.

Matyzhonok Sergey Ivanovich died on March 3, 1997. One of the streets of Karymskaya village was named after him.

Recently many people took part in voting “The great people of Zabaikalsky krai”  which was organized by TV and Radio company ”Chita”, newspaper ”Akstra” and information agency ”Zabmedia.”  The winner of this project is Nomokonov Semyon Danilovich.

Nomokonov Semyon Danilovich was born in Dulyun village of Zabaikal region (now Sretensk district of Zabaikalsky krai) on August 12, 1900. He was a hereditary hunter and since his childhood he had been living in taiga. His nickname was the “kite’s eye”.

In 1928 Semyon moved to Nizhny Stan village of Shilka region. There he worked as a carpenter.

In August 1941 he was sent to the front. At first, he served a hospital assistant and then a sniper because of his accurate shooting. It’s true, Nomokonov killed 369 fascists. He marked all killed enemies on his pipe. He was a well-known person among enemies. They called him the “taiga’s shaman.” They say Nomokonov was famous for his feats of arms all over the USSR.

V. Lebedev-Kumach, one of the famous Soviet poets, devoted him a poem. These are some lines here:

Он мастер снайперской науки.

Фашистской нечести гроза,

Какие золотые руки.

Какие острые глаза!

Nomokonov met Victory Day in Germany. He returned in his village and in spite of eight injuries and two shell-shocks he continued working.

I know Nomokonov Semyon Danilovich was decorated with the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Red Star and medals. In 1961 he also became the honorary soldier of ZABVO.

He died on July 15, 1973 [4].

It’s a pity, that Matyzhonok Sergey Ivanovich and Nomokonov Semyon Danilovich were not decorated with honorary title of the Hero of the Soviet Union but their names will always be in the hearts of our people.

3. Volhovsky Aleksey Andreevich.


My great-grandfather took part in that war too. Let me tell you about him.

His name was Volhovsky Aleksey Andreevich . He was born on September 20, 1926.  His parents’ names were Andrey and Anastasia. They died when the boy was about 8 years old. Lyosha had a very hard childhood: he was brought up by his aunt, who didn’t love Lyosha and dreamt to get his house.  Because of hunger and fear for his life, Lyosha left his house. For a long time he travelled with other orphans.

One day children made up their minds to run to Tashkent, where it was warm and there was “bread on trees”. But they drove only to Dushanbe, where boys were taken off a train and sent to one of the Technical Schools.

But the Great Patriotic War began at that time. Everyone wanted to defend his Motherland. Aleksey forged his age at passport, and he was accepted to the army. Young man was good at machines, that’s why he worked as a plane mechanic. Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky was an army group commander where my great-grandfather served. My great-grandfather met Victory Day in Germany. My grandmother told me that he had written his name on Reichstag’s Wall.

In 1947, when Aleksey returned from the war with Japan, he met Maria, his future wife. They married.

Aleksey and Maria had three children: Svetlana, Mikhail and Vladimir. The last is my grandfather. The family liked to spend their free time in the forest. Aleksey was fond of catching fish and gathering berries.

Last years of his life, Aleksey worked in the army as a guard. One night, when Aleksey was working, he lost his consciousness. That was insult. I think that the war undermined his health. For a long time my great-grandfather couldn’t speak, go and do something. He was disabled.

One night, when everybody was sleeping, Aleksey suddenly called his wife. When she came, he told her: “Masha…forgive me.” And he died after some hours.  It’s a pity that he is not with us now. But all of us remember him. He is always in our hearts. He was one of those, who defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

III. Conclusion.

May 9 Is the Most Momentous Day for the People of Russia.

To sum up, the results of my search work show that teenagers know little about the Great Patriotic War but they are interested in it.  I think my paper will help them to find out some facts about the history of our Motherland.

May 9 is the most momentous day for the people of Russia; it marks the Soviet Union victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941- 1945, the war that brought tragedy to virtually every Soviet family. The entire Soviet Union rose against the invaders, with people of all nationalities and ethnic groups rallying together. All solders and home-front workers were united by the same goal – to withstand the enemy onslaught and to win. And they did. The Blitzkrieg plan, which was conceived by German generals, flopped. The heroes of the Brest fortress, as well as the defenders of Moscow, of Leningrad and Stalingrad, Kiev and Minsk, Odessa and Sevastopol, Novorossiysk and Kerch, Tula, Smolensk and Murmansk displayed indomitable courage. All those cities received the title of hero- city after the war.

On May 8, 1945 Germany signed an unconditional surrender document. May 9 was proclaimed by Soviet authorities as Victory Day in commemoration of the USSR’s victory in the Great Patriotic War.

On June 24, 1945 Moscow’s Red Square hosted the first Victory Parade, thus it overgrew in a long- standing tradition. War veterans meet each other every May 9; official functions and concerts are also organized: wreaths and flowers are laid at war memorials and common graves, and honor guards are posted there. Apart from that, funeral services are conducted in every Russian church and cathedral.

The first 1000- gun artillery salute took place in Moscow on 9 May in 1945, and since that time fireworks displays are organized in every hero- city as well as in other Russian cities from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, i.e. Kaliningrad, Rostov- on – Don, Samara, Novosibirsk, Chita, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Severomorsk and Sevastopol [5].




IV. Vocabulary.


Adolescent [ˏædo(u)´lesnt]-юность

Courage [΄kᴧrıʤ]-мужество, смелость

Division [di´viƺ(ə)n]-дивизия

Force [fɔ:s]-войска

Gain [geın]-получать

Invade [ın´veıd]-вторгаться

Invasion [ın´veıƺ(ə)n]-вторжение, нападение

Resist [rı´zıst]-сопротивляться

Satellite [´sætəlaıt]-приспешник

Savage [´sævıdƺ]-варварский

Struggle [strᴧgl]-борьба
















V. Supplementary.


1. What was happened on June 22, 1941?

2. Write the names of the cities which got the title of the “Hero-city”.

3. Arrange the following events of the Great Patriotic War chronologically:

- Byelorussia’s liberation

- Berlin’s operation

-Leningrad’s relief

-victory at Moscow

-Kursk’s battle.

4. Name the most important Memorials devoted to the Great Patriotic War.

5. Do you know the names of reading-books’ heroes? Name them.

6. Do you know the names of people who glorified Zabaikalye during the Great Patriotic War? Name them.

7. Who became the winner of the project “Great people of Zabaikalye”? He was famous among enemies during the Great Patriotic War, they were afraid of him.

8. Name the places of interest devoted to the heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War and streets named after them in Chita.

9. Name the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in 1941.


















2.The Results of Testing.


What do Russian students of the XXI century know about the Great Patriotic War?

I’d like to present you the results of my testing. One hundred students were asked the questions. These are the results.



Results (%)

Know the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.


Know more than three Hero-cities.


Know the main stages of the Great Patriotic War.


Know the most important Memorials devoted to the Great Patriotic War.


Know the names of reading-books’ heroes.


Know more than one person who glorified Zabaikalye during the Great Patriotic War.


Know the winner of the project

“ Great People of Zabaikalye”


Know more than two places of interest devoted to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the streets named after them in Chita.


Know the name of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in 1941.



These results obtained show that students know little about this period in fortunes of Russia’s people.

3. Questionnaire.


1. The Great Patriotic War is…

-remote past;

-great feat of arms, which we shouldn’t forget;

-pride of our people;

-sorrow for the lost;

-respect for veterans;

-your opinion.

2. Do you agree that our country does everything possible for veterans and participants of the war?

3. Must our country defend interests of war veterans abroad (in Latvia, for example)?

4. Are there any relatives in your family who had been at that war?

5. You study the material about the Great Patriotic War…

-for doing homework;

-for home-reading, broadening your mind;

-for different aims.

6. Where do you draw information from?


-newspapers, magazines;



-memory of veterans;

-your opinion.

7. What form is information about the Great Patriotic War interesting and easily understood for you in?

8. Your age, sex.














4. The Results of Questionnaire.


These are the results of the questionnaire.

-58% of respondents consider that the Great Patriotic War is a great feat of arms of Russian people, while 4% think that it is a remote past;

-35% of respondents consider that our Government tries to help our veterans as much as possible while 19% disagree with them;

-46% of students think that our country must defend the interests of our veterans abroad (in Latvia, for example), while 6% think differently;

-37% of schoolchildren have got relatives killed or alive who had been at that war, 34% are interested in their life during the war;

-31% of respondents use information about the Great Patriotic War for different aims; 19% of students use it only for studying, 6% -for broadening their mind;

-31% of respondents draw information about the war from the books, 25%-from the lessons, 26%-from TV, radio, films, 19%-from the stories of veterans, 19% -from the Internet.

The most interesting and easily understood information is in the books and films.

The results obtained show that teenagers are interested in the Great Patriotic War.



















VI. The List of Literature.

  1. E. N. Muratov “The heroic path”, М., “Prosveschenie”, 1988.
  2. “Encyclopedia of Zabaikalye”, N., “Science”, 2002-2006.
  3. M.N.Gusar “Chita Region Study”, Chita, “Poisk”, 2004.
  4. R.F. Geniatulin, K.I. Karasyev “The Transbaical people are the heroes of the Motherland”, Chita, 2005.
  5. O.I.Fleshler “Through English and Beyond”, Chita, CHIPKRO, 2005.
  6. A. Bystrov  “Victory Day”, M.,”Molodaya gvardiya”, 1985.

7.  Му Family’s Album.






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Софронова Людмила Владимировна

Заключительный урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме «Космос с нами!», посвящённый 50-летию полёта человека в космос (цикл 6 «Мир науки» по учебнику «New Millennium English 11» О. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая).

Характер учебной деятельности в 10-11 классах направлен на формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции как основополагающей. С этой целью используются продуктивные технологии: информационно-коммуникативная при создании авторских проектов; приёмы проблемно-поисковой технологии при подготовке высказывания творческого плана по определённой теме; приёмы технологии интерактивного обучения в условиях речевого взаимодействия в парах, группе, в коллективе с целью выполнения совместных коммуникативных задач и решений; приёмы ролевой технологии, привлекающие личность к формированию индивидуальной учебной траектории и получению жизненного опыта и др..

Учебно-методический комплект «New Millennium English11» О. Л.  Гроза, О. Б.  Дворецкая помогает учителям обеспечивать достаточный уровень коммуникативных умений и развивает способности обучающихся к речевому взаимодействию.

Последний,  заключительный урок каждого цикла в названном УМК «Вырази себя» носит практическую речевую направленность, что в полной мере реализуется учителями английского языка.

Урок в 11 классе в форме ученической научной конференции « Space with Us! » носит практическую коммуникативную направленность, включает в себя элементы научного поиска и использование проектной технологии. Содержанием урока является учебный материал  цикла 6 «World of Science» стр. 86-99.

Тип урока соответствует его цели: применение знаний на практике.

Форма урока: ролевая игра « The International Student Science Conference»

Многочисленные задачи урока построены сообразно типу, цели и форме урока в 11 классе:

  1. Учиться принимать участие в официальных мероприятиях таких, как научная конференция, и представлять устную информацию в организованном порядке с использованием компьютерной презентации;
  2. Совершенствовать навыки публичного выступления в роли докладчика, переводчика, эксперта и ведущего;
  3. Совершенствовать навыки понимания на слух предъявляемой устной информации, анализа и оценки содержания выступлений, умения конспектировать;
  4. Развивать навыки рефлекторной деятельности, реагирования на все виды работы в её процессе – одна из самых важных задач.

Перед уроком обучающиеся вытягивают ролевые карточки с обозначениями «Chair», «Speakers 1, 2, 3, 4…»,  «Interpreters»,   «Experts».

После открытия урока учитель предоставляет слово ведущему, который возглавляет процедуру урока до самого конца. Роль ведущего на уроке – это роль учителя, который следит за всей процедурой, направляет обучающихся в процессе интерактивной деятельности, объявляет конференцию открытой и закрытой, представляет докладчиков-спикеров, в конце их выступления говорит слова благодарности за их интересную, полезную, познавательную информацию об учёных- изобретателях летательных аппаратов и их роли в науке, исследователях космоса и их роли в освоении космического пространства, делает краткие записи в ходе выступлений, следит за порядком на  конференции, делает замечания в вежливой форме и следит за временем выступления, подводит итоги.

Отличительной чертой УМК « New Millennium English» О. Л.  Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая является ориентирование на развитие навыков конспектирования ( Taking notes). Отсюда следует, что в ходе данной конференции все участники ведут записи, слушая друг друга. Свои записи ведущий сдаёт в экспертную группу, которая присуждает призы « The best speaker», « The best interpreter», « The best participant». Роль докладчиков заключается в том, чтобы представить свои  проекты об учёных- изобретателях летательных аппаратов и их роли в науке, исследователях космоса  и их роли в освоении космического пространства, ответить на вопросы экспертной группы. В ходе презентации проектов экспертная группа и группа переводчиков конспектируют выступления для того, чтобы дать адекватный перевод и оценить выступление. Экспертная  группа даёт оценку каждому выступающему, а в конце урока оглашает решение о результатах работы. Заключительное слово об уроке говорит учитель, подготовивший его, проводя этап рефлексии в форме краткой обзорной беседы по теме « Space with Us! ».

The procedure of the lesson « Space with Us! », Unit 6 « World of Science », «New Millennium English11».

  1. I. Greeting.
  2. II. Motivation of students for the activity.

Teacher: Today you are going to participate in the International Student Science Conference devoted to the 50th anniversary of the first man’s flight in space. The motto of our role play is to choose the best students in the competition:

Who will be the best presenter of a project?

Who will be the best interpreter?

Who will be the best participant?

Who will speak more fluently and accurately?

The most important task for the participants is training and improving speaking skills, public speaking skills.

The theme of the lesson is « Space with Us! ».

The objectives of the lesson are the following:

The first one is to participate in formal procedure like a science conference.

The second objective is to learn to present information orally in an organized way.

The third objective is to experience the role of an interpreter, the chairperson, the expert and the reporter.

The tasks of the lesson are to reflect on all actions, to practice making a formal oral presentation and participating in a discussion, to experience interpreting.

The method is interactive activity.

The form of the lesson is the role play « The International Student Science Conference» which will be broadcasted in Internet.

The type of the lesson is applying knowledge in practice.

Welcome to our International Student Science Conference.

Now I give the floor to the Chairperson.

  1. III. Role play.

Chairperson: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, please? I declare the International Student Science Conference open. I am your Chair. My name is Olga Kulakova. I am responsible for introducing the speakers, keeping order and timing the presentations. The order of the conference is the following. Firstly, the speakers will tell you about world’s famous and little known scientists and spacemen and their contribution into developing of space during 50 years,  giving project presentations in electronic way not more than 3 minutes. Secondly, the interpreters will take notes and translate all information from English into Russian. Thirdly, the experts will listen to the reports, value theme and ask questions for additional information. Moreover, the experts will summarize the discussion at the end of the conference. To motivate participants for the activity the experts should be ready to make a decision and give a prize for the best reporter, the best interpreter, the best participant.

The participants giving their electronic project presentations will speak one by one according to their card numbers.

Let’s start our conference activity. Now I give the floor to speaker number one. Present yourself and your project, please.

Speaker 1: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce myself. My name is Ivan Ivanov. I am from Moscow. My project is called « The first in space». It is devoted to the first spaceman in the world Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin. I’d like to present my project in an electronic way.

Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born in the village of Klushino in Smolensk region on March 9, 1934, into the family of a farmer. When he was a schoolboy, his favorite subjects were physics and mathematics. He was fond of reading.

In 1951 he finished a vocational school in the town of Lyubertsy, near Moscow, and at the same time he finished an evening school. As far as I know, Yuri Gagarin began to fly while he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov. He was a member of an aeroclub. In 1955, he entered a flying school. Two years later he became a pilot and soon he joined the first group of Soviet cosmonauts.

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time in history. He spent 108 minutes there. When he came back in his spaceship Vostok, he was made a Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal.

Yuri Gagarin visited many countries. Millions of people saw him and listened to him. They greeted him as a great patriot of our country [1].

Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was a commander of cosmonaut group, he prepared to fly in a new spaceship. But he didn’t go into space again. He perished in 1968.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin made a great contribution to the world space science and we are proud of him. I am sure people will always remember him as the world’s first spaceman, a hero.

Thank you for your time.

Chairperson: Thank you for your interesting information about Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin. Interpreters, will you translate, please?

Chairperson: Thank you for your translation.

Now I’d like the experts to ask some questions for additional information about developing space.

Questions for additional information about the World of Space Science.

  1. How do you think is science about space investigating necessary?
  2. Do you have a strong interest in space world science?
  3. Who made drawings of a flying machine in the fifteenth century?

Chairperson: I’d like to say thank you, dear experts, for your interesting questions to the speaker number one.

Now I give the floor to the speaker number two. I’d like to ask interpreters to take notes to translate the information from English into Russian. I’ll ask the experts to be ready to take notes too and ask some questions after speaking.

Speaker 2: Hi! I’m Virginia Brickman and I live in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The theme of my project is « Who was the first man to stand on the Moon?  ». It is about Neil Armstrong. Neil Alden Armstrong (born August 5, 1930) is an American Aviator and a former astronaut, test pilot, aerospace engineer, university professor, and United States Naval Aviator. He was the first person ever to set foot on the Moon.

Before becoming an astronaut, Armstrong was in the United States Navy and saw action in the Korean War. After the war, he served as a test pilot at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) High-Speed Flight Station, now known as the Dryden Flight Research Center, where he flew over 900 flights in a variety of aircraft. As a research pilot, Armstrong served as project pilot on the F-100 Super Sabre A and C aircraft, F-101 Voodoo, and others. He graduated from Purdue University and the University of Southern California.

His first spaceflight was aboard Gemini 8 in 1966, for which he was the command pilot, becoming one of the first U.S. civilians to fly in space (Joseph Albert Walker was the first US civilian in space several years earlier). On this mission, he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft together with pilot David Scott. Armstrong's second and last spaceflight was as mission commander of the Apollo 11 moon landing mission on July 20, 1969. On this mission, Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the lunar surface and spent 2½ hours exploring while Michael Collins remained in orbit in the Command Module. Armstrong is a recipient of the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from Purdue University in 1955, and a Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California in 1970. He holds honorary doctorates from a number of universities.

On November 18, 2010 Neil Armstrong gave a speech during the Science & Technology Summit at the World Forum Convention Center in the Hague, in which he said that he would offer his services as commander on a mission to Mars, if he was asked (even though he was 80 years old at the time) [2].

To sum up, I’d like to say that we are proud of our citizen Neil Armstrong for his research work.

Thank you for your time.

Chairperson: Thank you for your useful and important information about Neil Armstrong. Interpreters, will you translate, please?

Thank you for your translation.

Do experts have any questions to the speaker number two?


  1. When and where was the first aeroplane in the world built?
  2. Who invented the model of the first spaceship?
  3. Do you know any Russian and foreign spacemen?

Chairperson: I’d like to say thank you, dear experts, for your interesting questions to the speaker number two. Now I give the floor to the speaker number three. I’d like to ask interpreters to take notes to translate the information from English into Russian. I’ll ask the experts to be ready to take notes too and ask some questions after speaking.

Speaker 3: Good afternoon, dear friends! My name is Anastasiya Petrova. I’m from Sretensk, Zabaikalsky Krai (Siberia). We live far from the centre of our country, but we are proud of famous cosmonaut Vladimir Georgievich Titov because he is our fellow- town man. I know he has got a very successful career. He flew into space four times. His first spaceflight was aboard « Union T-8» in April 1983. He was in space 2 days 17 minutes 48 seconds. Titov's second spaceflight with Musa Manarov had been lasted since December 1987 to December 1988. They also established a record by spending 4 hours 25 minutes in the open space. Then in February 1995 Titov took part in spaceflight aboard « Discovery». It was the first flight of a new Russian-American program. Titov's last spaceflight was in September 1997 aboard « STS-86». Our famous fellow- town man flew 387 days and nights, he was in the open space 18 hours 48 minutes. Vladimir Georgievich Titov is a Hero of the Soviet Union and has been awarded 2 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, Orders of Bulgaria and Afganistan and 2 medals of NASA. Summarize, I’d like to say that we will be always proud of Vladimir Georgievich Titov for his great contribution to space science.

Chairperson: Thank you for your interesting information about Vladimir Titov. Interpreters, will you translate, please?

Thank you for your translation.

Do experts have any questions to the speaker number three?


  1. Do you know any names of women who flew in space?
  2. Would you like to become a cosmonaut and why?
  3. Who worked out the flying model of a helicopter?

Chairperson: I’d like to say thank you, dear experts, for your interesting questions to the speaker number three. Now I give the floor to the speaker number four. I’d like to ask interpreters to take notes to translate the information from English into Russian. I’ll ask the experts to be ready to take notes too and ask some questions after speaking.

Speaker 4: Good afternoon! Let me introduce myself. My name is Andrei Suyarkov. I live in Chita. I’d like to present my project about those cosmonauts who didn’t fly into space but made a great contribution to the world space science. The name of Yuri Anatol’evich Ponomaryov is well-known in Zabaikalsky Krai. He was born in Kadaya of Nerchinsk district. As far as I know, he had been in the detachment of spacemen since 1972. He was ready to fly into space with Nickolay Rukovishnikov in 1975 and Vladimir Kovalyonok in 1977. It’s a pity, he couldn’t fly into space, but he had performed great services for the Motherland. Yuri Anatol’evich Ponomaryov tested new diving- suits, flew the spaceships « Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin» and « Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov». Since 1983 he had been the main specialist of the Central Research Institute of Machine- building. By the way, his wife, Valentina Leonidovna Ponomaryova, was Valentina Tereshkova’s back-up woman. In conclusion, I’d like to say that these people didn’t fly into space but we’ll always remember them because they made a valuable contribution to space science.

Thank you for your time.

Chairperson: Thank you for your cognitive information about Yuri Ponomaryov. Interpreters, will you translate, please?

Thank you for your translation.

Do experts have any questions to the speaker number four?


  1. Is science career attractive to you or not?
  1. Do you like to learn something unknown everyday related to space investigating?

3. Who was the oldest of all the space travelers?

Chairperson: I’d like to say thank you, dear experts, for your interesting questions to the speaker number four. Now I give the floor to the speaker number five. I’d like to ask interpreters to take notes to translate the information from English into Russian. I’ll ask the experts to be ready to take notes too and ask some questions after speaking.

Speaker 5: Hello, dear friends! I’m Mark Grigor’ev. I’m from Chita too. The theme of my project is « Those who, maybe, will fly to Mars». I’d like to tell you about those whose lives were bounded up with Zabaikalsky Krai. They haven’t flown into space yet, but they, maybe, will fly into space. Lieutenant-colonel Sergey Nickolaevich Ryzhikov is one of them. He had been serving as a commanding officer of pilots since 1997 in Zabaikalsky Krai. In 2009 he was given a qualification « Cosmonaut-tester». Last year he was tested to operate a spaceship. Now Sergey Nickolaevich Ryzhikov is training in Baikonur.

It is interesting to know that a cosmonaut-tester Evgeny Igorevich Tarelkin was born in Pervomaisk of Zabaikalsky Krai. He has been a spaceman since 2003. They say he is preparing on a mission to Mars in October 2012. It is known that his father, Igor Evgen’evich Tarelkin, served in Zabaikalsky Krai in 1970th. He is the Hero of Russia. I think that the son will be the hero too.

Thank you for your time.

Chairperson: Thank you for your interesting and important information about Sergey Ryzhkin and Evgeny Tarelkin. Interpreters, will you translate, please?

Thank you for your translation.

Do experts have any questions to the speaker number five?


  1. What do you know about Sergey Korolyov?
  2. Are you proud of your fellow-country-men?

Speaker 5: Certainly.

Chairperson: Thank you for your question. Now I would like to declare a minute of silence in the honor of those who had perished.

Thank you. Sit down, please.

Before I declare the conference closed let’s evaluate the results of our activity. The most important thing is to answer to the question what we have learned at the lesson. In my opinion we have got communicative skills, public speaking skills and team work skills in groups of interpreters and experts, practiced in speaking.

Finally, let’s comment the results of speaking activity.

Now I give the floor to the experts to summarize the results:

Who is the best speaker?

Who is the best participant?

Who is the best interpreter?

Experts: The experts have come to a decision that the best interpreter is… . He is awarded with a prize for the best interpretation.

The best speaker is … . He is awarded with a prize.

The best participant is … . He is awarded with a prize.

Let’s congratulate the winners.

In conclusion, I would like to say some nice words to every participants of our interactive role play « The International Student Science Conference». You have worked very well. Thank you for your work.

I declare the conference closed.

  1. IV. Reflection.

Teacher: Dear students! I wonder what you have learned at our lesson.

Students: We’ve learned to participate in formal procedure like a science conference.

We’ve learned to present information orally in an organized way.

We’ve learned to experience the roles of an interpreter, the chairperson, the expert and the reporter.

  1. V. Lesson’s ending.

Teacher: Thank you for your work. You were very active at the lesson. Good – bye.


1Старков А.П. «English».- С-П: Специальная литература, 1997

2. http://ru.wikipedia.org

3.Краевая независимая газета «Экстра» №15 13апреля 2011г.

4. zabmedia.ru

5.astronaut.ru › as_rusia/2003/text/tarelkin.htm

6. Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О. Б. «New Millennium English 11» - Тверь: Титул, 2009

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