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Кожанова Бактыгуль Джанаевна

I think that it is necessary for teacher to have your own personal site. Nowadays the Internet has become a part of our life. We live in the centaury of  high technologies and sometimes it is impossible for us to be  well informed about all innovations. But our profession demands from us to be always active, modern and comprehensively developed person who know more, who can do more and who can  adapt in any situations.  To make your own site and to make it really interesting and useful is not such impracticable task for teacher. You must really want to do it.

There are a lot of advantages that I can distinguish. The personal site help the teacher to be a positive example for his pupils and it is a modern way of communication with them and their parents. You can communicate with your colleagues from all other the word and to share with your experiences. Besides, the quality of the materials presented on your site can show your professional competence, achievements and successes in your professional activity. The site allows collecting a lot of useful information and teaching materials in your subject. It is the way of teacher’s self - education and  self-improvement. 

Only one disadvantage I can distinguish. To make your own site and  constantly to update it is not so easy and it takes a lot of your free time and demands a lot of efforts from the teacher. 

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Кожанова Бактыгуль Джанаевна

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