
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

Дробышева Вера Фёдоровна

На  своём сайте планирую следующие разделы:

Главная страница (Цель создания сайта, календарь праздников, автоматический улучшатель настроения, высказывания великих).


 Enjoy English      1 Талантливым детям

2        Заботливым родителям

3        Интересующимся учителям

Занимательный английский (кроссворды, игры…)

ИКТ в образовании (Веб-квест, Глоги, Prezi…)


Классная жизнь(О классном руководстве и своём классе)


 Для души (Стихи, песни, хобби, о путешествиях…)

 Ретро (Что нравилось в юности)

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Дробышева Вера Фёдоровна


 Last years are years of computer technologies. More and more people use computer for work and for rest. With the help of computers the Internet has entered into our life. We write e-mails, travel to different cities and countries, visit tourist places and communicate with other people.

Lately some teachers have theirs owns websites. I think it is a good opportunity for teacher to express their thoughts, to share personal materials and projects with colleges. It means electronic portfolio. Personal site helps to improve knowledges of students. Besides it will organize parents’ interaction at school life. In addition teacher can make friends all over the world (it is very important for us, English teachers)

Certainly, the website is the excellent assistant in teacher's life. There is only one «against». We have too little time for it. However I'd like to create my site. I am sure every modern teacher should have her or his own website.

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