"Personal site: for and against"
We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet has become one of the most popular activities among people of all ages. No doubt that it's a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. More and more people have their own personal sites to advertise their work or to help someone with their activities. Personal site is a reality now, not a dream.
On the one hand, personal site is very useful, because people can share their ideas with others. When a person works on its site he finds a lot of interesting information about this or that. He gets facts and knowledge about the worls and everything in it. A lot of talented people can show their achievements and share everything they have with the help of a personal site.
On the other hand, personal site as well as the Internet has become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect everyday duties. Besides, it's sometimes stressful, when you see that someone uses your materials as their own, that's why having personal sites is not good at all.
To sum up, personal site has both advantages and disadvantages. As for me, I strongly believe that despite all the facts and figures, personal site gives us the oppotunity to show the results of our work, share everything we have and and get the best of it.