my site
informative, interesting
create, learn, show
It is mt first site.
This word doesnot sound as something fantastic and unreal for me now.
Думаю, что сайте будут следующие разделы.
Главная страница (задачи сайта, целевая аудитория и тд)
Немного обо мне
Мои результаты
Результаты моих учеников
В помощь учителю
В помощь ученику
В помощь родителям
Может быть, будут еще какие-нибудь разделы. Будет видно по мере наполнения сайта.
My personal site… Some years ago I couldn’t think about it, I couldn’t imagine that I would be able to create my own personal site. This word sounded as something fantastic and unreal for me. In the Internet I saw many personal sites last time. Some of them were wonderful, very useful and helped me in my work to prepare for my lessons. I appreciated people, who created such sites. But sometimes I felt a great disappointment. Why do teachers create sites which are absolutely useless, have nothing interesting for lessons? What makes teachers have their own sites? Do I need it? Why? Would my site express my individuality? Such questions and many others came to my mind, did not let me work “as usual”. And at last I understood that I am “ready”. I want to share my experience to other colleagues. I want not only to see successes of other people but to show results of my work too. That`s why I decided on creating my site. Sometimes it was not easy, I spent many days working without any help. But now I am proud of my site and my only purpose is to be useful for others. But I should say that with my personal site I got not only the opportunity for my creation but a lot of troubles. The first and the main one is shortage of time. But I don`t regret having it.
My personal site … To have or not to have it? You should decide it yourself.