
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

Расскажите о своей профессиональной деятельности.
Лютикова Галина Александровна

I.Представление газеты

1.. is a weekly/ daily paper.

2.  It is published ….. a week.

3. This particular issue was published on the …..

4.  It is a local/ central paper.

5.  This paper is published in…..

6.  The editorial office is situated in….. , at ..... number, ….. street.

7.  The paper under discussion was founded in …..

8. The editor- in-chief is …..

9.  The circulation of the paper under discussion is

IIПредставляем фото

I. Read and translate the sign of the photo.

II. Answer the questions:

- whom can you see in the photo?

- what are they doing?

- what are there on the shelves?

III. Describe the photo.

IV. Express your supposition about the article.

III.Как работать с заголовком

I. Read and translate the title.

II. Express your supposition about the article.



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