Personal site: for-and-against
We live in the age of information. If you have it you win. It is even said that if Google does not know about you, you do not exist. So, self-presentation is important for everyone. Teachers are not exception.
However it is not easy to create a good personal site. One should spend much time for creation. Another problem is a great numerance of sites. It is important to make something remarkable for people to notice you. As content as design should be interesting. Sometimes it is difficult to create something new when so much is already done.
But on the other hand a person should overcome all the obstacles because it is really worth it. Personal site is a good self-expression, one can realize his ideas and wishes in it. A personal site can be a visit card of a teacher. His portfolio can be there. That is why colleagues, parents and pupils can find some interesting and useful information. There can be a feedback, so the process of communication becomes easier. A teacher can post helpful information how to make studying of the language easier and the progress of pupils will be increased. A teacher can post there necessary links for education.
So, in my opinion it is very useful to create your own personal site. One should do much for it but it will be very profitable.