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Петрушина Татьяна Николаевна

Предлагаемая группа упражнений, используемых при изучении новой лексики,на мой взгляд,  позволяет развивать языковую догадку,  способствует поддержанию интереса к изучению иностранного языка, а также подготовке учащихся к итоговому контролю, в том числе к ЕГЭ, так как содержит типы заданий наиболее часто предлагаемые в различных итоговых проверочных работах.

"Talking on Family Matters"

1).Match the words with their definitions, translate them into Russian 

1. a row                            a) to deal successfully with a difficult situation or job

2. argument                   b) a noisy argument or fight between two or more people

3. cope with                   c) to discuss a plan or situation in a detailed way

4. talk through             d) a disagreement between people or groups

5. conflict                       e) an angry disagreement between people

6. fake                               f) to deliberately try to make someone angry

7.provoke                       g) false

2). Look at the picture and describe the situations using the following word combinations

to quarrel with, to ignore someone's opinions, to keep a sense of humour, to listen to others, to make fun of, to find a solution, to shout at, to talk about, to discuss a conflict, to be angry/upset/embarrassed/disappointed/ agressive

3). Combine the words from two columns to make meaningful expressions

  •          angry, avoid, be in, blazing, come into, cope with, get into, fake, provoke, talk through, lose, win
  •         all the options, anger, argument, conflict, emotion, problem, relationship, row, situation, stress, smile, thing

4).Read the text and  find the words close to the meaning to the ones below:

slamming door, close, peace and quiet,  shouts, knock

5). Find in the text words to describe Mike's relationships with the other members of the family

6) Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences filling in the gaps 

with the phrases below

7) Read the joke and guess the word that is missing:

A father was asked whether his  ...    were the ones making such an awful noise at night. "Well,"he said , "not so much really.You see, one of them makes so much noise that you can't hear the other!"

8) Read the sentences and choose the Russian translation for the words in bold 

We moved to our new residence last spring.

1)  место жительства   2) резиденция

I am not sure how they can afford such an expensive computer.

1) позволить себе            2) пользоваться

9) Read the text and choose the correct options to fill in the gaps:

The family is the most important social group in all societies.However the family is changing. The  1)... family is still the main type of family. Over half of all UK marriages end in 2) ... , so many people marry again, creating new families.  The nuclear family is part of a larger, 3) ... family, which also includes grandparents and other  4)...   .

1.  atomic      B  nuclear        C  nucleus      D    extended

2. A division      B  marriage     C  diverse      D     divorce

3.A extension    B extended      C extending  D  extensive

10) Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL  LETTERS at the end of each line

Without my computer I would have difficulty 1) ...                COMMUNICATE

with friends. E-mail is very  2)...  when you have a tough     IMPORTANCE

schedule. It is a 3)...  reference aid                                                  WONDER

and 4)... tool.                                                                                             EDUCATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11). Complete the following sentences. Make necessary changes.

1. In a big family you can always have somebody ...    . 2). I ... with my sister most of the time.

3).Nobody believes we are sisters  -  we ...   .    4). When my younger sister went to school, our parents asked me ... her. 5) My brother ,,, when he switches on TV channels. 6)when my cousin stays with us in summer, she often ... , but when she doesn't, I...  .

a) don't look alike b) be annoying  c) look out for someone  d) get on well with

e) keep someone company  f) get on someone nerves  g) be upset

12). Give English equivalents to the following word combinations

1. действовать на нервы      2. составить компанию   3. драться по любому поводу

4. сохранять чувство юмора   5. заставить кого-то плакать  6. заботиться о ком-то

7) выглядеть похоже    8) иметь что-то общее    9)ю сказать несколько слов о ....

10). времена меняются




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