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Personal site:  for and against.

Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without Internet. Internet resources for people learning English are limitless and increase every day or over every minute.  Students sometimes cannot get through the jungles of these resources and they need professional assistant. In this respect teacher’s personal site is very helpful.

 On the one hand firstly, I can add links to the most reliable websites for language learners. It will help students to save time while looking for some necessary information. Secondly, I can realize my practical ideas to meet the real language needs of my students. I can add Power Point presentations, worksheets, glogs, web-quests, extra tasks on specific language aspects. Thirdly, I can connect and communicate with the students who can’t come to my lessons at school. And finally it’s a very good tool for collaboration with other  English teachers and for systematization of my teacher materials.

But on the other hand, there are some minuses. First, it takes a lot of time to moderate the site. If you want your personal site work properly you need update information, add new material and answer the questions of different users and ets. More over, unfortunately not all pupils have internet connection in their homes. And so they can’t use such resource.

In the whole personal site is such tool which teachers should use if they are interested in the results of their work.

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