Poykovsky State Comprehensive School #1

Автор: Мрязева Людмила Викторовна Категория: МОУ "СОШ № 1" г.п. Пойковский Дата: Окт. 21, 2011

Теги: Нет тегов 

Welcome to Poykovsky State Comprehensive School #1.

Our school

Our motto: Achieving the best results in preparation for the future

Poykovsky State Comprehensive School #1 has a tradition of being a happy, caring and hard working school, with quality provision at its centre. We constantly strive to achieve the best possible education for all of the children, through a stimulating broad and balanced curriculum. Working together, we provide a supportive atmosphere, which enables children of all abilities to meet our high expectations of learning and behaviour.
We also work hard to create a sense of community within our school, where everyone plays an important role and is valued.

Site and Locatio

Poykovsky State Comprehensive School #1 is situated in the town of Poykovsky, in KhMAO - Ugra. It was officially opened in 1999. The school is a four-storey building, surrounded by spacious grassed area and playground.  We have excellent well-resourced computer suites, a central hall, a non-fiction library, a reading room which is used for group work and housing our  library, and a resource base for special educational needs teaching. The children are encouraged to take a pride in their school. Displays of children's work are both informative and attractive for children and visitors to the school, as well as providing the children themselves with a sense of achievement.

At our school, we have a dedicated team of staff who are very caring and supportive of the children, excellent practitioners who consequently seek to make learning exciting, challenging and fun, and who always extend a warm welcome to parents and visitors.

Aims of the School

We are committed to providing quality education, which develops each child to their full potential.
1. We will develop each child's self esteem and confidence by:

2.    We will encourage a high standard of learning in each child by:

3.    We will ensure that all staff work with parents as a team in order to facilitate the full development of their child's education by:


Our school is committed to providing all pupils with an education that offers equal opportunities and which enables every child to achieve their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically. For this to be achieved every child will receive the same educational opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnic background and culture, religion, ability, disability or socio-economic circumstances. Our children are taught to value diversity and be tolerant of others.

Behaviour and Discipline
Relationships within the school are based on mutual respect, both between adults and pupils and between the children themselves. There are very few major infringements of our expectations of pupils in terms of their behaviour. Where children persistently misbehave however, parents are contacted and encouraged to work closely with staff to try and overcome the difficulties their children may be experiencing. An individual programme is developed to support the child.
Discipline is based on the approach that children have a right to learn and teachers have a right to teach. This approach is based on fairness, together with a consistent positive recognition of good behaviour.

School Uniform

We encourage pupils to take a pride of theur school uniform. The wearing of white, black, blue, green colours gives a sense of belonging to the same team.

Health and Welfare Issues

We believe that full and regular attendance at school is a vital factor in achieving a successful education. Authorised absence is recorded for illness, medical appointments and special circumstances. We do request that parents notify school on the first morning of any absence, otherwise the school will phone you at home. When your child returns to school parents should also send in a letter of explanation for the absence.

Thank you for taking an interest in our school.

We would like to share some comments from the school community about our school.