Задания к аудиотекстам в формате ГИА

Автор: Шакирова Земфира Махмутовна Категория: Have Ur Word Дата: Май 16, 2013

Теги: Нет тегов 

1. В1 - задания с кратким ответом

 Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D.
Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое
место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее
место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы
в таблицу.

1. At the Doctor’s
2. In a shop
3.In a classroom
4. In a museum
5. In a swimming pool


Диалог                                А                 В               С            D

Место действия                          


Now we are ready to start.
Dialogue A
A: We heat the water and when its temperature reaches 100 degrees, it
starts to boil.
B: Excuse me, Mrs. Brown, can the temperature of the water get higher
than that if we keep increasing the heat?
A: No. At least not under normal conditions. At 100 degrees water
changes into steam.
B: It’s just what happens when we boil water in a kettle, isn’t it?
A: Exactly.
Dialogue B
A: It looks very good. And it fits you perfectly.
B: But I don’t need it! Who buys a warm coat in the summer, when the
temperature never drops below 15 degrees!
A: But the winter comes every year anyway. And when it comes, this
coat will cost double the price. We’re buying it now!
B: Ok, whatever you want…
Dialogue C
A: When did you say you first felt unwell?
B: In the morning. I woke up and started to cough. And I have a sore
A: Ok, my assistant will take your temperature, and then I’ll examine
you. Could you take that seat please?
B: OK, thank you.
Dialogue D
A: They’ve got a wonderful collection of old books and manuscripts.
B: Yes. Look, this book dates from the 18th century! The pages are

A: There are even older books here. I think it must be difficult to take
care of such delicate exhibits.
B: Yes. Low and high temperatures, as well as sunshine and humidity,
are very harmful to them.
A: Have a look at this one. Can you read the name of the author on that one?

The key:  A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

2. Задание с выбором ответа

Задания А1–А6
Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1, 2
или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите
запись дважды. У Вас есть 60 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.
Now we are ready to start.


Kelly: Hi, Jim! I didn’t see you in the morning class. Did you come late?
Jim: Hi, Kelly. Yes, I was late. Ms. Smith talked to me really seriously about
that. I said that the bus had broken down.
Kelly: And she believed that?
Jim: I don’t think so.
Kelly: And the real reason was…?
Jim: The usual. I overslept. I didn’t hear the alarm clock and woke up only
when my mum called me from her work.
Kelly: I’m not surprised. Were you watching films yesterday till very late
Jim: Yes. I was just going to see what was on but then I lost track of time
and watched the film up to the end.
Kelly: I tried to call you yesterday. Just wanted to remind you about the
Science project we need to complete together by tomorrow. It’s about
how computers influence our life and our communication habits.
Jim: Oh, I’d forgotten about that! How about today, after classes? Let’s go to
my place and we’ll complete the project in two or three hours I’m sure.
Kelly: I usually prefer working in the library or in a Wi-Fi café. But you’re
right – there’s no time left for it. Do you have good internet access and
a printer?
Jim: I certainly do. And I also have a freshly made cake in the fridge.
Kelly: It’s a strong argument. Have you remembered that for the project we
have to interview at least three people of different ages about what they
do online?

Jim: That’s not a problem. We can ask my mother, my grandmother and my
younger brother, who’s seven.
Kelly: Right. Your brother’s answers will be especially interesting. Children
spend more time online than anyone else.
Jim: True. He’s there more often than me.
Kelly: And have you got any books or journals at home from which we could
get some additional information?
Jim: No. And we don’t need to. We are writing about the Internet – we’ll
certainly be able to find everything we need right there – on the
Kelly: Ok, let’s give it a try. We have no choice anyway.
Jim: And, Kelly, I’d like to ask you a favour…
Kelly: What is it?
Jim: Could you read my French essay before I hand it in? I always make lots
of spelling and grammar mistakes in writing.
Kelly: What’s your topic?
Jim: The aim of education in the present day.
Kelly: Ok, give it to me. I’ve only got a few minutes before the bell.

The Key: A1-3, A2-2, A3-3, A4-2, A5-3, A6-2