"Personal site: for and against”

Автор: Дейхина Ольга Александровна Категория: Have Ur Word Дата: Май 06, 2012

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"Personal site: for and against”


     To a have a site or not to have? Nowadays it’s very cool among teachers. A modern teacher should be a skilled user and she or he should do everything for the improvement of a teaching process.But this is a burning issue.

     On the one hand, a personal site has some advantages. The owner of the site can publish his works in the Internet and exchange them with colleagues. The important thing is the connections with students or parents. For example, they can get the information about the timetable and homework, about different Olympiads, contests or their results. And it’s rather convenient for the sick or  the disabled.

     On the other hand, the disadvantages should be mentioned. Firstly, there are some places where the access to the Internet leaves much to be desired. Secondly, some teachers think it's a waste of time, because Russian teachers are very busy with their personal achievements, but not the achievements of pupils.

     Thus, it would be impossible to find just one “right” opinion to this problem. From my point of view, a personal site for a teacher is worth having, because this is an option for both a teacher and his students to get better results.