A-Z of British Slang

Автор: Категория: Have Ur Word Дата: Апр. 16, 2012

Теги: Нет тегов 

Hi everyone!

Over the past few weeks I've been compiling a comprehensive A-Z of modern British English slang for my website. 

As a linguist, I think it's important to familiarise oneself with all aspects of modern language usage, not only textbook English. The majority of Brits use this slang and it appears in our films/music/media. Therefore, I feel it's worth examining.

Slang is also an interesting sphere in terms of lexical change and wordplay. However, be warned that slang also covers taboo subjects, such as: sex, swearing and social life. If you are easily offended, do not read this section!

A-Z of British English slang