Personal site:for and against

Автор: Шестопалова Вера Евгеньевна Категория: My web Дата: Март 18, 2012

Теги: Нет тегов 

              Would you like to be forward-thinking? As for me, I would. What does it mean “to be forward-thinking” nowadays? I think, first of all it means you are a computer expert and are able to use all possibilities of the computer. The Internet is a depository of learning. It is a boundless ocean of information. Why not to be a skilful swimmer in this ocean? Why not to have an islet named my personal site in the global World Wide Web ocean? But what for?

             A website can introduce me to the secrets of www. In what way? Firstly, my site lets me be in touch with people at a distance. It helps meet people of different religion, nationality and age. Thanks to the almost unlimited online communication possibilities I can conduct one-to-one conversations with colleagues who teach English all over the world, my pupils, their parents directly from the website. The website improves my teaching activity. It can be our global "tribune" where people who have common interests are able to share our knowledge, experience and enthusiasm because we are members of the biggest community in the world. To my mind, website is a must-have personal attribute nowadays.

             But on the other hand, I should think twice before creating my site because it is always great responsibility to communicate with people showing off yourself: your likes and dislikes, your attitude towards various problems. Secondly, one must not forget to be tolerant to other people’s opinions. Thirdly, having a personal site takes a lot of time, energy and health.

            So, I think, arguments are in favour of having a personal site. That’s why I would like to be forward-thinking joining this trend now. More than that, it isn’t a sudden whim, but my deliberate decision.