Personal site: for or against

Автор: Категория: My web Дата: Март 18, 2012

Теги: Нет тегов 

Nowadays nobody represents his/her life without the Internet. It is a fast and a convenient way to receive any sort of information.

I consider, it is necessary not only to communicate with the outer world, but also to represent it yourself by means of own site. On the one hand, I agree, that the site helps to envelope more extensive target audience. Moreover, you can promote yourself. Besides the site works round- the- clock, so it is accessible at any time.

But on the other hand, creation of a site consists of several difficult stages. Firstly, you should realize that the first impression of your site depends on its design. Secondly, visitors should receive a maximum of helpful information. Thirdly, you need unique and useful maintenance. Besides, the information has to be collected together and to be made to work. At last, it is important that a site loads quickly, works without failures. That’s why, you need at least four experts to make your site interesting and useful. However, it’s not enough, because it is necessary to know how to optimize the site. Only then it will have been claimed.

 So, you should devote your site a lot of time and learn much to create a good and useful site .