Personal site: for and against

Автор: Журавлева Анастасия Михайловна Категория: Have Ur Word Дата: Март 18, 2012

Теги: Нет тегов 

Everybody knows that communication is important these days, and we have a lot of ways to communicate with each other. One of the most often used device is a computer. What do we usually use it for? Typing and printing? YesSearching the necessary information? Of, courseSaving our documents and photos? If you wish

E- mailing save paper and petrol – it’s good for the environment. Internet communication is cheap or free and it arrives immediately. So, I have the splendid possibility to use my “own area” so called to get in touch with everybody I would like to. Creating your site is the great chance to share your ideas as a specialist and ask for some pieces of advice, to show some interesting facts from your practice! If you have just ten or twenty minutes a day – go to your site and see new friends there!

As for the disadvantages of using and creating it … Well, sometimes we can’t access to the Internet at any place. And some kind of fear – will it be useful for people to use my site?

Anyhow CREATING OFYOUR OWN SITE is an exciting experience!




Everybody knows that communication is important these days, and we have a lot of ways to communicate with each other. One of the most often used device is a computer. What do we usually use it for? Typing and printing? YesSearching the necessary information? Of, courseSaving our documents and photos? If you wish

E- mailing save paper and petrol – it’s good for the environment. Internet communication is cheap or free and it arrives immediately. So, I have the splendid possibility to use my “own area” so called to get in touch with everybody I would like to. Creating your site is the great chance to share your ideas as a specialist and ask for some pieces of advice, to show some interesting facts from your practice! If you have just ten or twenty minutes a day – go to your site and see new friends there!

As for the disadvantages of using and creating it … Well, sometimes we can’t access to the Internet at any place. And some kind of fear – will it be useful for people to use my site?

Anyhow CREATING OFYOUR OWN SITE is an exciting experience!