Personal site: for and against

Автор: Шеларь Юлия Валерьевна Категория: My web Дата: Март 17, 2012

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Personal site: for and against

Is it good or bad to have your own personal site? Is it a waste of time or a necessity? Opinions differ.

Some people think that it’s quite fashionable and up-to-date. It shows how advanced and progressive you are. It is the answer to the modern tendency to globalization. You can share your ideas and experience with people from faraway places and countries.

But it’s not that easy. First you should possess certain knowledge of computer technologies and be able to deal with all this “iron stuff”. Then you should have some content and information to publish. It’s good when your site is full of your own ideas thoughts and your personal experience. But if you have none, what’s the use of reprinting and reproducing other people’s ideas?  Besides, a site should be aimed at some audience and if nobody uses your site, what’s the use having it?

The negative thing is that it takes much time to maintain your site.  You could use it for real communication with your family and friends, doing sports and walking in the fresh air. Computer hurts your eyes, your back aces after long sitting.

To sum it up I think that a personal site is rather a necessity then amusement for a teacher if you have what to systematize and what to share. You can communicate any time you want with you colleagues and students on the advanced and very convenient level.  Of course you have to sacrifice your eyesight and somehow neglect your own children. But this is the job of a teacher!