My Web

Автор: Боровко Елена Васильевна Категория: My web Дата: Март 15, 2012

Теги: Нет тегов 

Nowadays the Internet is a great source of information for many people. Everyone can create his personal site.. There are a lot of advantages of having your own website. Firstly, we can use it for our practical ideas, we can work effectively with people from different cultural background, we can work as team members, use information technology tools effectively. Website is a way of education. We can help students to do projects, homework, ask questions. Parents can ask us about their pupils without going to school. You can try to learn some subjects on line and do tests. Secondly we find a lot of useful information on the sites, listen to the songs, and watch video without leaving houses. It is relatively inexpensive to publish information on the Internet. On the other hand, the disadvantages are a serious problem for today's world. The Internet is the cause of one of the worst diseases called the Internet addiction. People spend a lot of time taking part in the useless chats and it is harm for our eyes. To sum up, I can say the Internet is necessary for our life.