Personal site: for and against

Автор: Зверева Анна Владимировна Категория: Have Ur Word Дата: Март 12, 2012

Теги: Нет тегов 

I think, there is nothing perfect in our life and everything has its drawbacks and advantages.

 First of all, personal site is necessary for experience exchange. Teachers don’t have a lot of spare time, so they can find ready information for lessons. There are a lot of topics, songs, plays, presentations on web. You have a chance to choose the information you need and you like best.

As for me, I have already my site, but I would like to learn more about site- building. Development of IT gives us every day new opportunities to know more, to learn, use necessary information.  No doubt, it is important to have personal site nowadays. On my opinion it has more advantages.